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Proposal Draft

Structural Depth

The Salvador in St. Petersburg, FL has great potential to be a cast in place concrete structure. The highly corrosive nature of the Floridian atmosphere hinders most opportunities for steel construction, and due to the high degree of prefabrication throughout the original project, presents a great opportunity for cost savings by being cast in place. In addition, there is a transfer system on the 3rd floor would be greatly reduced by the introduction of a column grid that requires no transfer system, whatsoever. The alternative lateral system will consist of all cast in place shear walls, with an optimization of materials and location for better performance of the system. 

Acoustical Breadth

The alternative flat plate construction design would result in the removal of the masonry walls that separate residential units from both the hallway and between residences. The resulting change in acoustical environment would need to be analyzed in order to provide an adequate living condition for all residents. Additionally, the change in floor system would require an analysis to determine the acoustical environment provided between residences.

Construction Breadth

The shift in construction from concrete precast and masonry to flat plate construction provides the opportunity for cost savings in materials due to the removal of prefabrication from the process. The change in construction process from precast plank and masonry to cast in place concrete creates an overall difference in the site plan, especially since the crane for the installation of the precast will be replaced with two (2) concrete pumping trucks. 

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